Using Planters To Brighten Up Your Garden
•Posted on December 14 2020

Using Planters To Brighten Up Your Garden
Placing a selection of planters in your garden is a quick way to enhance and brighten up your garden without all the hard work of digging and weeding or waiting for plants to flower and mature. With planters, you can also move your flowers and shrubs to suit your garden or the occasion. Here are some handy ideas to consider when choosing your new garden planters.
As with many things, it is a good idea to start with a plan. Nowhere is this more important than when planning your garden. Make a quick sketch of the area where you wish to situate your planters. Then note the direction your house and garden face. Is it mainly south-facing ,for example? If so, choose sun-loving plants that will thrive and reward you with a beautiful display of gorgeous flowers. Remember that some plants prefer a shadier aspect, so try to place their planters in an area that suits the plant.
Once you have arranged your plants how you like them, check on them regularly. There might be something like a cool draft that doesn’t suit the plant. This is just another reason that using planters is so convenient, as you can easily relocate an unhappy plant to a more suitable location.
Choosing your Planters
Step back and consider what you are trying to achieve with your planters before you buy. They are available in a variety of styles and beautiful colors. Instead of buying haphazardly and thinking it will all come together at the end, choose a planter in a style that will complement your home. The architecture will give you a clue as to which style of planter will look best with your garden or porch.
Does your house have a formal style? If so, planters such as Duo Blue Planters Trio would complement this traditional design. Perhaps you have a rustic country home, in which case planters such as the Rustic Triple Planter Stand would complement your garden.
Potting Soil
Remember to ask your garden center to supply you with the best potting soil for your plants. This will make all the difference in their health and appearance. Many potting soils are formulated to give your plants the best start. Some also incorporate water-absorbing granules, which will cut down on the amount of daily watering your planters will need.
Planters Add Interest to Small Spaces
Using planters can give added interest to the garden landscaping in many ways. If you have a small garden, veranda or courtyard, planters will work very well for you as you can use planters such as Apple Barrel Ladder Planter to give your outdoor space height, structure and interest. In a courtyard garden, planters will also give you the ability to have larger background plants and smaller planters in the front to add a different arrangement to your small area.
Planters as Investments
Using planters in your garden is the right choice if you are renting. You can invest in beautiful planters and plants, and if your circumstances change and you relocate, you can take your planters with you and just re-position them in your new rental.
Planters as Outdoor Décor
Planters come into their own if you are decorating an outdoor space. Maybe you are planning for a special occasion or just wish to create an area for relaxing. Choose the area you wish to use and position some comfortable outdoor seating there. Then, move your planters into positions that will give the seating area an informal leafy and flower-scented seating area. Add some solar lights and perhaps a solar fountain in a large planter filled with water for that perfect instant daytime and evening garden.
Planters for Privacy
You can use planters in your garden to great effect if you are overlooked by a road or property and wish to create some privacy. Use a set of larger matching planters, fill with potting soil and place in a zig-zag style where you require the most screening. Select plants that are advanced in their growth, such as evergreen trees, firs or different varieties of ivy, trained on bamboo stakes or a garden trellis, provide some good plant fertilizer, and watch how they quickly provide an instant privacy screen.
Planters will complement and brighten your garden, no matter which style you choose. They are versatile and can provide an instant garden effect, which is especially useful for new properties and rentals or when planning an outdoor celebration. Planters can contribute style and humor to any garden and are truly a homeowner's best garden friend.